Wine Bars & Wine Tasting Rooms Legacy Gallery
Contact our friendly wine cellar experts to discuss your wine bar or wine tasting room today.

Wine Bars
Features to Consider
- Space for bar sinks, refrigerators, dishwashers, TVs
- Wine racks for wine glasses and under bar storage
- Wine refrigerators or conditioned wine cabinets
- Back bar cabinetry and lockable storage
- Custom wood and finish to match your existing style
- Granite, glass, tile and other unique additions and accessories
- Stools and other furniture for comfort
Wine Tasting Rooms
- Views into the conditioned wine cellar through glass doors and panels
- Wine tasting tables and other wine furniture
- Bar sink for washing wine glasses
- Wine refrigerators or refrigerated wine cabinets
- Wine storage cabinets
- Modern conveniences – dishwasher, TVs, pool tables, etc.
Entertaining in a Tasting Room
You can set up your wine tasting room in different configurations depending on how much room you have and its shape. Set up an area for guests to sit and enjoy a glass of wine served from a buffet style table against a wall. Another idea is to arrange several small wine tables around the room each with select wines and complementary cheeses. Or, mix things up and serve desserts that pair well with your featured wines.
Focus your wine tasting party around a particular style or theme that complements the dinner you will serving later in the evening. For example, if you intend on serving a nice tomato-based pasta dish, ask your guests to bring a bottle of merlot. Or if your party involves serving samples of seafood, grab a few whites from your refrigerated wine cabinets.
Prepare table settings with glasses, crackers and water to cleanse the pallet. Bread of a neutral flavor can be served, but stay away from full-flavored crackers or bread so you can truly clear the palette. French bread is a good choice as it goes with many foods and wines.