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What’s the Deal with Filtered Cigars? Unwrap the Details

Filtered cigars are a widely available option for seasoned enthusiasts looking to expand their palette, as well as cigar lovers who are new to the hobby. Attitudes on filtered cigars are cloudy because they are often considered synonymous with cigarettes, cigarillos, and little cigars.

10 Ways Vigilant Wine Racks Beat the Competition

Are you looking for the best wine storage solution for your home? When deciding which wine racks are right for you, it’s important to compare “grapes to grapes” (or apples to apples) and do your research and so you’ll be happy with your purchase and it will stand the test of time.

9 Major Home Design Trends That’ll Be Big in 2021

With a new-found love and required functionality for our homes this past year, it’s likely you’ve racked up a laundry list of ways that you’d love to revamp your space. And what better time to refresh and upgrade your home than 2021?

Adventures in Cigars: The Tatuaje Mummy

Collecting cigars holds different meanings, depending on the individual. This week, our guest blogger Renick introduces the concept of Cigar Dossiers as a way to catalog experiences and memories associated with particular brands. First up is the Tatuaje Mummy – learn how this particular brand is tied to Renick’s cigar journey, and the relationship with his beloved grandmother.