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Vigilant Innovates with their New Wall Humidor

After creating a custom built-in cigar humidor cabinet for one of our clients Vigilant started receiving a lot of positive feedback. With this popularity, we decided to take it a step further and create a framed built-in wall humidor cabinet that could fit between studs and look like a piece of artwork.

Vigilant Helps Landmark Restaurant with its Wine Experience

Captain Anderson’s is an award winning restaurant that’s been a staple on Florida’s Gulf Coast since 1967. Growing year after year, it now brings in over a quarter million customers every season. It is no wonder that with that level of business they were in need of a wine storage solution that could hold upwards of 2,000 bottles. The restaurant reached out to Vigilant Inc. to help create them the perfect wine cellar.

Vigilant Custom Commercial Projects of 2017

2017 was a great year at Vigilant, it was full of beautiful and unique commercial projects from hotels to retail store displays. That’s why we put together a list to highlight these one-of-a-kind wine storage solutions.

Vigilant Cigar Humidification System on the World’s Largest Residential Yacht

The yacht had previous challenges with its original humidification system and cabinetry when they reached out to Vigilant for help. Having worked on a humidor for another yacht previously,” The King Baby,” we knew the mechanics involved behind the scenes to make it work properly. There are a lot of things to consider when creating a humidor for a ship because of the constant motion it endures while at sea.

DIY: Make Your Wine Room a Reality

At Vigilant we’re out to prove that no matter the size of your house you can find a spot for a small wine room. In this blog we highlight one of our clients DIY wine room projects from start to finish.

Humidors in Motion

For the first time, humidors are becoming mobile whether the actual components of the humidors themselves are mobile or on-board mega yachts as we have recently created.